Casey Anthony,nasceu a 19 de Março de 1986,am Warren,Ohio,USA!
Casey ganhou notariedad ao estar a aguardar julgamento por ter cometido,alegadamente,homicidio ,da sua filha de 3 anos,Caylee Anthony.
Na investigação deste caso vieram a publico fotos em que Casey demonstra toda a sua sensualidade.
Hot sexy....killer??!!
Since this post has so many US visitors,I made a poll on the right column right underneath the tags list,for you to vote,just out of curiosity,where amongst other things you can answer ,If even if Casey actually killed her daughter,would you still bang her till she comes??,and other things...Please do vote.Some have multiple choices.Make your opinion count on Casey.In case of having problems voting please report it as a comment.
P.S. Also an add-on at the end of the post with the flashnews,CASEY ANTHONY IS FREE!!!Dont forget to vote on the poll,