Esti Ginzbourg nasceu a 6 de março de 1990 em Tel-Aviv,Israel.
Apareceu em força em 2008 e 2009 no catalogo swimsuit issue.
E a partir dai Esti ginzburg subiu em flecha,com cara de menina e corpo de mulher,é já uma das modelos mais sensuais e rquisitadas do Mundo.
This hot Israel Model after her appearance in the swimsuit issue was compared to her coutry fellow Bar Refaelli and appointed as following her footstps.
but Esti Ginzburg is much more than just a Bar Refaelli look alike wannabe..she is one of the hottest women in the world,not following anyone footsteps,just being herself.
No doubt,Israel is one of the world´s best place to look for hot beuatifull hirls.
No longer a promise,she is a ceratinty...Esti Ginzburg: